Monday, March 3, 2014

January 20-26, 2014

Family hey how are you all doing? I hope that you guys had a good time in Hawaii. The pictures looked like you had a good time. Everyone makes it sound like there is no snow at all there so that stinks and is no good. I am sure dad is starting to worry about farming. This transfer is close to being over and we didn't get to finish it very good. I will tell you why. So Monday was p-day it was alright. We emailed and then had a zone activity. We just played games and ate lunch but Elder Schenk was really being weird again. After the activity he asked for an interview with the Zone Leader. Turns out he is struggling again with feelings and promptings. They tried to help him but by the time we got home he was back to struggling with things so President had the doctor call him. The doctor told us to just stay in and not work. Later that night we had to take the key to our Bishop. It's like a ten minute walk. It took 2 hours because he wouldn't just walk. He just looked so confused about everything and he would just stop0 walking. I was really frustrated. Wednesday we went on splits so I didn't kill him just kidding but they took him to see a specialist. He was a little better that night. Thursday we had our interviews with President finally. At first Schenk wanted to go really early. Then he tried not to go so we made him go. I went first. He asked about me and then it was about my comp. So he has a lot of problems. They are worried about him. I finished then Schenk went in. He came out and President said I'll call you so we left and then Schenk said he needed to go tell President one more thing so we went back. President came out and told me to take him to the MRC and meet the doctor so I did. The doctor talked to me because Elder Schenk tells them all different stories. Then they talked to him they kind of figured out that he is like going kind of crazy. I don't know what they call it so we stayed there for a few nights. They will be sending him home so its not good. I feel bad he don't think there is a problem so he don't want to go home. They told me he is not safe to be here right now so that was the majority of my week. Sitting at the Missionary Recovery Center. The did feed us really good and I took my first hot shower in a year. I actually took like 10 it felt so good and refreshing. I got to leave Saturday night and go home we are in a threesome right now. We went to church. It was good not everyone showed up but we didn't get to visit everyone so it makes sense. I found out my new comp will be Elder Cava from Fiji so that will be ok. He is a nice dude just can be a little rowdy at times. That was my week. It was definitely different. Well hopefully your all doing well. Hopefully it snows for you guys. Well thanks for all you do and I love you all thanks love elder Robison

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